Thursday 30 September 2021

Jean Batten Day!

On Tuesday last week It was Jean Batten day it was a great day I loved It Koka Rozie said there is going to be a surprise it was just her teaching because Koka Ngaire was not here for some reason. And then Koka Rozie said do your fitness and then go into the hall. So I did my fitness and then went to the hall... WOW balloons a map what was this wit what it said Jean Batten day. I know who Jean Batten is we did some slides on her a couple of days ago. Then Koka Ngaire told us to sit down and to the boys she said DON'T touch the balloons. here was are first cule. she gave us buddy's name tag what were we going to do with this!? we went down the alphabet a=b=c=d=e. then I got it! then our team got it then we found out are next cule we got a envelope and then we all had to sit down, then Koka Nagire told us to open the envelope  we got concrete flags and and we had to hold are flags up to our buddies soon the got the message then. 

Then Koka Rozie told us to go to lunch time I played with Millie, Amber and Dilyn. then the bell rung. we made these toothbrush robots like a air a plane ours did not work it just went in circles my favorite part was when we faced someone and we got 5 or 6 or 4 of mats and I was at the back it was so fun I also really liked our air a planes!  .I and then Koka Nagire gave u a badge and it was time to go home I got adventure I really love traveling! today was a fun day! I hope we get to do it again.  

Thursday 16 September 2021

Cross Country🏃

 Koka Sue blowed the whistle everyone ran as fast as they could. I ran with Millie,Amber,and Dillyn. I said woah! watch out Amber and she fell over and she got right back up. And we started laughing because it was funny because Amber hardly cries at all. We were kinda coming last so I said I think I might do well because its my last year so I need to make the most of it. I sped up and lucky I wasn't coming last, And we where coming uphill and I hate uphill.  Everyone was cheering on for people Te Atawhai aspecaly was cheering everyone on and she was keeping me positive.

It was our second lap and Rori and Jackson and I think Cory already bet me so that put more stress on me. I was nearly done my lap! Cornelia was in front of me before the finish line and I just past her and I'm not really sure witch place I came. But I was so proud of myself. Who came 1st over all was Charlotte she is amazing at  lots of stuff great job Charlotte!  I enjoyed Cross Country.